
Hi ! My name is Axel Zuber. I live in a small village to the north of Frankfurt/Main in Germany.

When i am not busy resolving the last quirks of a Kubernetes component, i enjoy hiking, sailing and restoring vintage machinery. In this blog i will talk about Kubernetes, Micro Services, and their application. I have been around since CPU clock rates were measured in MHz and data transfer rates in kb/s, so you should expect the occasional historical item as well.


I spent the last 28 years working as a solution architect/lead engineer/software developer
for Deutsche Bank. During my tenure i used most of the platforms en-vogue in that time :

  • IBM z/OS
  • Bare-metal and fully virtualized servers running Unix-like OSes
  • Private cloud (Red Hat Openshift)
  • Google Cloud Platform

I graduated from the Technical University of Darmstadt with a degree in solid state physics in 1989.

If you want more detail, check out my LinkedIn profile.